To show our gratitude we have a Referral and Loyalty Program. Now you can earn points for coming in, giving us reviews and for sharing our offer on social media! You can also earn up to 5pts for each person that becomes our customer through your referral. Your friends will also get a special deal! All you need to do is click on the button below, share our offer and refer friends! No need to keep track of referrals, we will do that for you! Loyalty rewards include: 25 pts 1 day of 10% off merchandise (excludes new merchandise) 30 pts Free Circuit Training Class 50 pts Free Logo T-Shirt (excludes new merchandise) 75 pts 10% off Equipment Class Package of 6 100 pts 10% off Equipment Class Package of 12 It's easy, you will automatically be enrolled. Your reward status updates will be sent to you via text message and you can opt out at any time. To see the points you've accrued toward the loyalty program, click the link in the text you receive. Please see a staff member when you want to cash in/redeem a reward.