Hero or Villain?
There’s been a lot of press about Ozempic, the brand name for Semaglutide, and other peptides used for weight loss and diabetes management.
And, like a lot of things in health care, it's not as black and white as it appears.
Ozempic can be effective in helping you lose weight and managing chronic conditions like:
🩸 Diabetes Type II
❤️ Cardiovascular Disease
🥵 Metabolic Dysfunction
It’s a safe option when you manage it properly and integrate healthy choices into your daily routine. But if your dose is too high or you don’t make a shift in your lifestyle choices – there can be serious side effects and can lead to an unhealthy pattern of yoyo dieting or worse.
I’m Dr. Martina Sturm of Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine. This week I’m uncovering the pros and cons of using peptides like Ozempic.
I’m breaking down how they work, adding a holistic perspective, and emphasizing the importance of integrating the foundations of health.
👉 To get started, you need to learn what peptides are and how they work in your body.
Get in touch for your free consultation today!