6 Steps You Can Take Now to Start Improving Your Acne
If you struggle with acne, you’ve likely tried several conventional approaches for treating acne, like topical creams, prescription medications, facials, laser treatments, or chemical peels.
But have you ever considered why you have acne in the first place?
As a functional medicine practitioner, I aim to identify and treat the root cause of your acne so that you can ditch acne for good!
When working to identify the best treatment for your acne, I look at the following:
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Liver Function
- Gut Health
- Food Sensitivities
- Stress
- Nutrient Deficiencies
Get our functional medicine guide to treating acne and learn six steps that you can take now to begin healing your acne in our latest blog.
Ready to break the breakout cycle and return to optimal health?
At Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine, we take a root-cause, functional medicine approach to your treatment.
When you visit us, we’ll do an in-depth review of your health history and listen to your unique concerns.Then, we may perform various functional lab tests to get a more in-depth view of your health.
Each patient has their own unique pattern of disease, and we strive to unveil and treat the root cause and of your presenting symptoms.
Ready to start now? Get in touch for your free consultation today!