Gentle Warriors formulas address some of the most common pediatric complaints:
Windbreaker – earaches, sinusitis, sore throat, colds, flu, allergies
Chest Relief – laryngitis, cough, phlegm
Pipe Cleaner – bronchitis, painful cough, tenacious phlegm
Open Air – acute asthma, wheezing
Deep Breath – chronic asthma, wheezing
Grow & Thrive – poor appetite, low resistance, weak digestion, frail
Tummy Tamer – indigestion, gastroenteritis
Easy Going – constipation
Belly Binder – diarrhea
Fire Fighter – rash, hives, impetigo, bites, stings
Quiet Calm – trauma, stress, moodiness, hyperactivity, crankiness
Gentle Warriors are produced with children in mind. With lower alcohol and the addition of glycerin, these formulas, because they taste good, are easy to administer. Parents can be advised to keep them on hand so that they can intervene at the earliest signs of upset.