Intro to Pole: This class is for pole beginners and newbies. We will work on basic spins, pivot turns, climbs and sits. (We recommend trying Beginner Pole Flow after trying 2-4 Intro classes. Taking Pole Strength and Conditioning, flexibility and/or Yoga along with Intro will help you advance faster!) - When is it time to level up?: When you can do a fireman spin and back-hook spin, basic climb to the ceiling and you can easily do a sit. Pole Level 1: We will work on forearm climbs, chair spins, side climbs, more advance sits and basic inversions and knee holds like lay backs and jasmine. We will be working on strengthening for our choppers and getting comfortable in our basic inversion (aka Bat). - When is it time to level up?: When you can do a strong forearm climb on both static and spin. You can do a strong chair spin, and you can invert into and hold a bat comfortably. Your tucks are strong and you are close to or can do a chopper. Pole Level 2: This class is where we will really start to work on your inverts! We will work on leg hangs, butterfly, shoulder mount prep, jade splits, genie and more! We will start basic combo building and strength training preparing you for aerial inverts. - When is it time to level up?: When you can easily enter all leg hangs (from chopper) and butterfly on both sides. You can do a basic shoulder mount from the floor and are ready to start aerial choppers. Pole Level 3 - 4: This is our most advanced pole class! We will work on building combos on static and spin. Start working on advance tricks like ayesha's, handsprings and more! COMMON QUESTIONS!: Q: I can do most level 1 tricks (including basic invert to bat) but I am struggling with my chopper, can I take Pole Level 2? A: Yes! If you feel very strong in Level 1 and only thing holding you back is your chopper, you can move up to Level 2. You may want to consider still taking level 1 to work on basics/strength and/or really focus on strength with our Pole Strength and Conditioning Class, Yoga or Private Lessons. Q. Can I attend a class which is a lower level than myself? A. Yes BUT we ask that you be respectful of both instuctors and students by sticking with what is being taught in the moment. Example: Inverting is not allowed in Intro to Pole and can be very intimidating for new students. So if you are in a lower level class and are bored and tempted to go beyond what is being currently taught, we recommend sticking to only classes of your level. Q. I am Pole Level 2, can I do a 2 - 3 or 2 - 4 class? A. Yes! We will start with a Pole Level 2 trick and progress it into more advance options. Stop where you feel comfortable! There may be some people doing harder variations than you, but that is okay! We all start somewhere and learn at our own pace. |