As a small business owner, you want to stand out in your industry. You’ve put in the hours, the sweat and tears, the blood... Okay, maybe not that much blood. You often wonder, “How can I do this? Who will listen to me? What’s the point?” Small business owners can feel stuck in their marketing and branding endeavors. You've been told over and over to create a video, but figuring out which one to create and how to create it can be overwhelming. But the time it takes to go out and produce videos, post them on social media, and get people to watch in the first place, creating a successful video requires an investment of time that many small business owners simply don’t have. Plus, hiring someone else to create a video for your business can be expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. Especially when you have a business that doesn’t lend itself to video marketing or you don’t have the budget for it. |