September is off to a rather surprising start with the demise of one of the world's longest reigning monarchs. I thought it poignant that a double rainbow appeared across Buckingham Palace along with the timing of a magnificent full Harvest Moon. Notwithstanding the controversy around monarchies, one can't help but admire the commitment Queen Elizabeth had to service for her country and the Commonwealth. She is no doubt the last of her kind.
What can we take away from her legacy? I believe we all have a role to play in our societies, doing things outside of ourselves, to make our world a better place. My small piece has been the starting and operation of my business these past 10 years, and the recent launch of my new business, Simply Divine Retreats. My focus has been on wellness and wellbeing, and hopefully making a difference in the wellness of our clients. I have also spent the last 5 years as an elected School Trustee with the Vancouver School Board. This role is coming to an end in October and I will not be seeking re-election. I have realized that I am not a politician and that I love business!
Whatever your role is in our world, my wish for all is to wake up each day with a sense of purpose and a love for the things you do in your daily lives. Life is precious so make the most of each day!