Hello, friend and fellow pilates lover,
The fourth week of January officially marks the start of GYM/STUDIO BURNOUT. Hundreds flocked to the gym Jan 1st, but few made it past the second week. What makes some people stick to it while others quit before the race even starts?
Here's what we know about successful exercisers:
1. They make fitness a commitment. Here's a quote I love: "Your goals don't wait for your feelings." Guess what? Very fit people don't always feel like it either.
2. They know that slow and steady wins the race. Pushing too hard at first is the classic mistake. If you push too hard at first (and get injured), the couch and Netflix will win every time. Fit people are great at setting small goals that are attainable.
3. They are great at time management.
We need help with this one too. The trick is reprioritizing some tasks to fit in that extra gym day (or that meal prep) that wasn't there in mid-December. Click below for a free pdf resource on the subject.