Dear parents and students, Thank you for making music with us! We have added a free class to our weekly line-up (Songwriting Workshop!), so have a look at what's going on and sign up for a FREE Zoom class! We're adding new classes frequently and will keep you updated on what's going on. Looking for even more weekly activities? Now is a great time to try our video lessons from the safety of your home. Give us a call to get set up. Just click a link at your lesson time every week to begin your lesson with your teacher. It's easy! Give us call to find a time that works for you. Our front desk staff is OPEN during regular business hours for questions, comments, and to help you with anything you need. Give us a call at 323-522-4888 if there is anything we can do for you. We look forward to seeing you online, and hopefully in our studios really soon. Take good care of yourselves and keep making music. David |