If you are a parent like me, you may be at your wit’s end at times. With so much uncertainty about how long this will last, when will it be safe to resume normal life, kids feeling bored, restless, and apathetic, it’s hard to not be constantly stressed and feeling burnt out. What are you doing to maintain your sanity and help your kids maintain theirs? Here are what some families like yourself are doing to cope and keep in good spirits:
- Take a walk or bike ride around the neighborhood. It’s a great way to bond and recharge your batteries
- Go for a drive to a nature preserve. Find a big, open area where you can social distance.
- Take a few minutes time out each day for yourself. It could be sitting or relaxing, or listening to music.
- If you have kids who are bored or restless, or having a hard time being motivated, playing music is a great way to light a spark, challenge their brains, and have fun!
To help you out during this time, I'd like to offer you $50 off (f-r-e-e- registration and free music books) if you enroll for music lessons before August 31st.
You can call us at 813-722-0962 or reply to the email to claim your savings and get your kids involved in an activity that’s safe, fun, and mentally challenging!
Let’s make lemonade out of lemons!
Larry Bigel Tampa Fine Arts Academy 813-722-0962 www.tampafineartsacademy.com |