Hi ! Last spring, a local reporter asked on her Facebook page, "Name one thing the pandemic has made you grateful for." While there were many responses from people listing what they were grateful for, there were also many responses from people talking about the many hardships they have faced due to Covid lockdowns and restrictions. 2020 was a very difficult year and as we make our way through 2021, it can sometimes be just as difficult to find anything to be grateful for. I recently came across this article in my inbox and found myself nodding in agreement with many things the author described. Difficult times are inevitable. We will all face them. In yoga, we learn that we can not control outside events, we can only control our reactions to them. So while the past year has been difficult, there are many times that I have stopped to find gratitude that has helped get me through in a more positive frame of mind: - I had the ability to work from home from my old corporate gig, which meant...
- I didn't spend 4 hours commuting, which meant...
- My husband and I were able to have a home-cooked dinner together every night
Take a moment today, and find just one thing to be grateful for. It could be something as tiny as there's a nice breeze out today. Make today a great one! Cyndy |