It is inevitable that you will be invited to a social gathering of some type before this program is over, and I know you will be invited to one at some point your life. How in the world do you manage to stay compliant when you have little to no control over your surroundings?
The first mistake is thinking you have no control. This will automatically set you up to have an excuse for falling off the plan. Even if you can't control the food or environment, you can minimize the damage.
Empower yourself to have control over what you do and how you prepare.
1) Drink lots of water prior to going to the event
2) Eat a snack with some protein and possibly fiber to reduce hunger
3) Avoid the dessert table
4) Stick to your principles as much as possible
5) Alternate your alcoholic drinks with water or sip on a glass of water with a lime (it looks like you are drinking)
6) Don't linger around the food tables, socialize elsewhere
7) Don't be self-conscious or draw attention to yourself by talking about it. The more you do the more you invite others to criticize. |