Proteins Lean Ground Beef (90% of leaner)
Flank Steak Sirloin Steak Beef Filet/Tenderloin Chicken Breast Turkey Breast Ground Turkey Breast Chicken Sausages* Eggs* (3 eggs = 1 serving) Egg Whites (1/2 cup = 1 serving) Fish Shrimp Salmon* Pork Tenderloin Boneless Pork Chops Boneless Pork Loin Bison Cottage Cheese (low- or non-fat) Greek Yogurt (non-fat) Protein Powder (whey or casein) *includes 1 serving of fat as well
Carbohydrates Most Fruits
Rice White Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Oatmeal Quinoa Tortilla (1 med = 1 serving) Beans Pumpkin Corn Spaghetti or Butternut Squash Vegetables
Broccoli Cauliflower Peppers Onion Tomato Cucumbers Zucchini Yellow Squash Asparagus Brussel Sprouts Green Beans Peas Carrots Artichoke Eggplant Celery Kale Romaine Cabbage Bok Choy Watercress Radishes Turnip Parsley Shallots Sauerkraut Mushrooms Collards Salsa Fats Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Coconut Oil Nut Butters (almond, cashew, peanut) Raw mixed nuts Avocado Flax meal Butter (grass fed if possible) Ghee Cheeses Pumpkin Seeds Sunflower seeds Chia Seeds Substitutes Substitute cow's milk with unsweetened almond or almond coconut blend milk Substitute stevia for sweeteners What about my condiments? Condiments can be tricky. It is scary how quickly you can add fat and sugar to your meals with condiments.
Use the following liberally:Mustard Hot Sauce Salsa Apple Cider Vinegar Use the following moderately:
Ketchup—Get a low sugar brand or brand with as few ingredients as possible Dressings Sauces
If there are other foods you are interesting in purchasing and keeping in the house, please run those by me or Shawn for approval.
Best Regards,
Evan and the 2 Tone Family |